This IM is my introduction for this thing. I don't have it saved, but the under lined words are "100% better then Terra"
AIM IM with Shoe.
10:53 AM
fuckbmx: you ready for your interview for fuckbmx?
Shoe: Ha yea
fuckbmx: how old are you, how long have you been riding and what was the last meal you ate before going vegetarian?
10:55 AM
Shoe: 28 and 1/2
Shoe: 16 years
Shoe: And I think it was Mc donalds
Shoe: Is that the whoe interview?
fuckbmx: haha no
fuckbmx: we just getting started
fuckbmx: you grew up racing... what was your most memorable race?
Shoe: Ok, I got a boring day of work ahead of me
Shoe: Fuck racing
Shoe: I don't remember any of it
fuckbmx: you grew up on racing, fuck you. what is your most memorable race? did you ever beat the heavy hitters like iarocci or terra?
Shoe: Its been like 8 years since I did a gate start
11:00 AM
Shoe: I don't think I could ever beat any of them. Maybe on my best day
fuckbmx: i dont think the bike you ride right now would even allow you to be on a gate
fuckbmx: so is that why you gave up racing to become the King Of Dirt? how many of those frames did you break?
Shoe: Yea its a iron horse road bike
Shoe: When mom and pop stop paying for the races, and your working full time and going to college its hard to make time for racing
Shoe: Shoreham stoped being fun
11:05 AM
fuckbmx: yeah, shoreham sucked for like 8 years. it's making a comeback though thanks to bivs and gaska
Shoe: How was opening day?
fuckbmx: haha, couldnt tell you, i fucked up my alarm and woke up at 8:30, in the city, looked outside and saw rain, and drank a 40
fuckbmx: in your time at TNT how many KOD frames did you break?
Shoe: Haha
Shoe: Only 1 I think
Shoe: It wasn't a bad bike
Shoe: So is opening day this weekend?
fuckbmx: yea, i guess so, the had practice, but no racing
fuckbmx: track has gotten good reviews
Shoe: Ill be the judge of that
fuckbmx: haha
fuckbmx: what is your favorite trick to do currently?
fuckbmx: we all know you love being a ferret at heart
11:10 AM
Shoe: People still say ferret?
fuckbmx: i think mostly only when describing cute furry animals
Shoe: What if your talking about kittens?
Shoe: They ferrets too?
fuckbmx: i guess they must be by my logic.
fuckbmx: now answer the question dick, haha
Shoe: Turndowns
Shoe: Easy trick and people are sooo impressed by them
11:15 AM
fuckbmx: what about in 1998, what were you into back then?
Shoe: Red heads
fuckbmx: how much did a trick with a redhead cost in 1998/
Shoe: Free for me
fuckbmx: thats a good look
fuckbmx: can you still do pendulums, or was that just chris havliks move?

I was reall actually surprised he said nothing about no footed cans.
Shoe: I can still do any trick I've ever done
fuckbmx: even suicide no handers? your seat is pretty low to keep up with the times
Shoe: I've moved up to tucks
Shoe: Ill jack the seat up and go suside
fuckbmx: you need to just get a quick release
11:20 AM
fuckbmx: tucks look better anyway though
Shoe: Nah, not if the suside is good
Shoe: Suside is so much crazyer
fuckbmx: definatly crazier, but its all about style now, you should know this.
Shoe: Is it?
fuckbmx: yea man, it's 2009
Shoe: I thought it was about having fun
fuckbmx: no way. bmx is serious shit.
fuckbmx: so my boy catfish is bringing back the dirt circuit for dk one weekend this summer, a 1 jump huck fest. are you going to win?
Shoe: Where is it?
fuckbmx: Dayton Ohio
Shoe: You gonna go?
fuckbmx: if you have room in your car, haha. i'll even sponsor you, i'll give you all the oriental ramen you can eat for a weekend, and 3 40's of ohios classiest brew
Shoe: Deal
Shoe: I lost my fuck bmx t-shirt
11:25 AM
fuckbmx: it's alright, i got plenty
Shoe: You me brian defina and chris havalick
fuckbmx: FBM's battle at the belmar is the weekend after the dk comp, think you can go 2 for 2?
fuckbmx: haha i saw defina last spring. he wasnt doing any sick tables though
Shoe: What's battle at the belmar? Drinking contest?
fuckbmx: haha, it's a dirt jump contest out side that bar in binghampton, followed by a drinking contest inside that b ar
Shoe: You gonna sponsor me?
fuckbmx: yea, i'm sure PBR will be cheap enough
fuckbmx: so how is quitting drinking going? i have a signed document from canada saying it was over april 1st or so
11:30 AM
Shoe: I only drank 1 time sisce then
fuckbmx: thats not bad.
fuckbmx: whats your favorite get up kids and saves the day song?
Shoe: I can't pick
Shoe: Close to home maybe
11:35 AM
fuckbmx: you're going to pick a cure cover?
fuckbmx: not even an authentic song?
fuckbmx: some fan you are.
Shoe: I donno
fuckbmx: some fan i am, confusing close to me and close to home, haha
Shoe: There ya go
fuckbmx: haha
fuckbmx: does it suck being allergic to cats?
11:40 AM
Shoe: I'm alergic to dogs
fuckbmx: oh really? just dogs?
fuckbmx: i guess that works out well with the kittens
Shoe: They live in the garage anyway
Shoe: Want one?
fuckbmx: kinda, but i dont really feel like taking care of it
fuckbmx: if any of the 10 people reading this want a kitten, get at me.
Shoe: They are really cute

Free Kittens.
fuckbmx: whats the weirdest thing that you have made for your bike so far? i know you use to have random rubberbands on your brakes and shit... i'm sure you've moved on from that...
Shoe: I have 8 ball valve caps
11:45 AM
fuckbmx: no wonder you arent a racer, so much wasted rotating weight
Shoe: But they are fucking awesome not weird
Shoe: Well worth the sacrifice
fuckbmx: true.
fuckbmx: whats the newest part on your bike?
Shoe: Terra gave me some bars
fuckbmx: haha
Shoe: Last summer
fuckbmx: were yours to skinny for him to dealw ith seeing?
Shoe: Pontiac first then new bike
Shoe: They weren't that skinny
fuckbmx: what kind of car do you have anyway... what have you done and what is still waiting to be done?
fuckbmx: anything less then 28 is to skinny
Shoe: 1970 pontiac tempest

2009 roadtrip machine.
Shoe: Droppin the motor this weekend
11:50 AM
fuckbmx: nice, what does your father think of you breaking the old VW bug tradition?
Shoe: He thinks I'm nuts for buying this big ass pontiac. And putting all this work into it
Shoe: Pext project is the beach buggy
Shoe: Next not pext
fuckbmx: what happened to the buggy you had with the sparkly paint?
Shoe: Yea, still got it
fuckbmx: also, how is your car with gas mileage during our economic and environmental crisis?
Shoe: Shitty
fuckbmx: well, it's good to know that you are looking out for our earth
Shoe: I make up for it by riding to work sometimes
11:55 AM
Shoe: I'm a vegitarian, isn't that good enough?
fuckbmx: haha i thinkt hey cancel each other out
Shoe: Good
Shoe: Lunch time
fuckbmx: so you have the choice of driving your car and being vegetarian, or driving a prius and eating white castle... fair trade.
Shoe: Ide rather walk than drive a prius
Shoe: Fuck that ide rather crawl
fuckbmx: hahaha why?
fuckbmx: theyre like space ships
Shoe: If they flew or somthing it would be a good look
Shoe: But insted of flying they just suck
fuckbmx: yea, flying cars are the wave of the future... 2015?
12:00 PM
fuckbmx: are you gunna get the pontiac converted?
Shoe: Never happen
fuckbmx: i think im out of stupid questions
fuckbmx: so i guess thank some people
Shoe: I'm good
12:05 PM
fuckbmx: haha dick
Shoe: Ha
fuckbmx: mr and mrs shoe, youre the best, your son is an asshole
Shoe: Its fuck bmx not thank you bmx
fuckbmx: fuck, 1 more question.
fuckbmx: how much better are trails with a good nosedive?
shoe: Hua?
fuckbmx: i heard a rumor that you werent into nose dives until like, last season
12:35 PM
shoe: I don't know what that's about
fuckbmx: well then, glad we could clear it up

Shoemaker family.