Monday, March 30, 2009

Racing is making a comeback this year.

Was digging at the BMX track this weekend, Tom Bivona and Ronnie Gaska spearheaded the operation along with a ton of other people while Shoemaker and I (mostly I) were being douche bags in Canada.
Then once my hang over finally wore off(I quit drinking) I broke my hand doing this...
So I didn't dig at all that weekend. But finally I got out there, the track is siiick. I didn't get to ride due to my broke ass hand, but from what I've heard, it's pretty much one of the best tracks around(aside from it's lack of being built into the side of a mountain... which is being worked on...).

First straight.

Jump into first turn(35ft lip to landing)

Stepup stepup.


This photo sucks but this straight looks sick to ride.

Me owning these when I was 11 led to 1000 apologies to Brian Foster this past fall.
Now I own a fresh new pair that Jeff had at Sayville Bikes, although they are a size 4... I'm just gunna get them signed and mount them like boxing gloves.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2 quick things.

Dave from Panamoka asked me to post something about the parking changes at the trails. No more parking in the dead ends, I guess people are pissed about it. So don't park there. Dave is not someone you want mad at you, when he smashes your face into the side of a house, it hurts, trust me.

Secondly, while Shoemaker and I were having a 4 day bender, everyone on Long Island rebuilt the BMX track.

here and here for pictures. Get siked.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Notro. Minus bikes.

Wild weekend. All of these pictures are from Friday, I figured if I brought my camera anywhere, I would have forgotten it.
I don't know anyones names.

This kid let me throw his phone as hard as I could against a wall. The screen cracked. Spike it.

Needle and some sketchy kids.

I guess I was pretty pumped on this dog.

Fix that tie.

Bike show, eh?

We got lost trying to sneak in. We ended up just walking through the front door and past the people asking for money.

I bet he doesnt realize he's a douche bag.

Shoe decided to ride flat.

Catfish and I are BFF's now. It turns out neither of us are actually gay.

Brien K let us stay in his room. It was quiet, and piss free.


Jon C.

There are way to many dicks in the gallery