James Carozza's ex girlfriend gave us these directions. They included a note to kick butt. Once again, we didn't look at the directions until we were way off course. Luckily, Bridgewater is the same distance off the Thruway as it is from 17. Now only if Googlemaps didn't lie as well.
We took a detour through Albany to get milkshakes at 5:30am because they were on sale.
Fucking quitter. On his next lap, he flipped the gate.
Everyone brought there dogs with them. Dogs are awesome.
John saw a fire in the third turn during his second moto. His first instinct was to stomp it out. Once he stomped it out he punched the ground alot, broke his knee.
Al Cayne don't give a fuck. Xup with the narrowest bars in the world.
On this particular run, my top speed was 42.5mph. My unofficial top speed for the weekend was about 45mph though. Shorts and a tshirt.
We slept 11 hours.
Kids kept eating shit right infront of us.
Hancock and I were in different race's this weekend, so we both got 1st place plaques. Here we are in practice.
Hey Becky, John fucked up your car.
Not only was Al Cayne the only one making moves after the first turn, but he went from 8th to 2nd in his main while running over a cone. I guess leaving his janitor keys on the bench made all the difference.
She said she didnt have time for a picture with me. We got it anyway. Her boyfriend is not psyched.
This was most of our drive home. Fucking shitty.
The Gallery.
The files.
Now go do some sprints and eat healthy for the grands.